Monday, May 25, 2009



WHAT IF... Someone starts a new trend here in Alexandria? Cute short animated boxers. On the streets? Just look at this dude..he wears just boxers at subways. It would be quite ridiculous actually if it does happen here(sure banyak gila controversy -_-). But due to the bright frying hot sunny weather, I wouldn't mind to follow the trend. It would be really cute I think. Imagine, boxers with big yellow smiley faces or rainbow colored boxers or small tiny polka dots printed on the boxers worn by living creatures named human...Comel pe.

So apa lagi.Someone,start the trend! It's getting really damn hot hot hot here.! :D


  1. ain u la start the trend...
    ur black n white stripy seluar yg sama cam ur tudung can b a good start....

    neway i alwayz thought dat pink boxers with yellow banana printed on it so adorable kan??

  2. HELL YEAH! jom. I have my neon blue short shorts. Jomjomjomjomjomjom.

  3. buleh aja. I start then u follow k sufi!!
    apa lagi ika, jom! bila nak start?

  4. apaahal...imran gila jealous youu. wtv
